آراء حول All Right: ماذا يقول الآباء
آراء حول مدرسة All Right
تقييمات من الآباء الذين يستخدمون منصة All Right
آراء حول معلمينا
Thanks Michaela for perfect first lesson and positive energy. We are looking forward to next.
I had a technical issue with popups (incorrect browser). I use Brave (compatible Chromium based) browser so it shall be no problem. Pls improve browser detection - it is annoying. Alex is very nice, I think Stevko will like the lessons.
Uz nastavnikovu pomoc, ocena popravljna sa 1 na 4. Jako smo zadovoljni sa edukacijom a najvise nastavnikom Zeljkom koji je maksimlno posvecen i ulaze puno truda u nas napredak. Sv pohvale za nastavnika.
very nice teacher and creative games. we like it! thank you! <3
Thanks for a such feedback, Tima was very happy to hear that one! Also he was able to pronounce and translate all of the words from the vocabulary section. Thank you for your effort!)