Viktoriia D.

Viktoriia D. english tutor for children

94 reviews

Professional Teach kids teacher with 2 years of experience teaching English

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All teachers undergo a 3-stage interviewing and examination. The information about the teacher's education, experience and professional qualities is checked by the administration. Please contact us for detailed information about the teacher, including his education and teaching certificates.


  • 01.09.2020 01.06.2024

    Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

    Germanic Languages and Literatures(including Translation), first language - English

    Bachelor`s Degree

Working experience

  • 01.02.2023 30.05.2023


    English tutor

  • 03.09.2023 18.10.2023

    Звенигородський ліцей Давидівської сільської ради.

    English teacher

Certificates and diplomas

  • -

Teacher video cover
Hello! My name is Viktoriia and I`m Trial lessons methodologist in AllRight school, nice to meet you! This year I graduated university(English philology) but I have an experience in teaching for children since my third year. I`m an art person so I believe, that learning languages can be fun and not only tons of rules and schemes. I like to draw, sing, cook and watch series or movies during my free time. Also I`m volunteering as the translator from English to Ukrainian because I want to help Ukrainians to find more content in our native language.
  • Working experience 2 years
  • Learn from 4 to 12 years
  • Lesson from $8.5
  • Speak: english, ukrainian native
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