Joseph Cyril L.

Joseph Cyril L. tuteur d'anglais pour enfants

483 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Anglais parlé teacher with 5 years of experience teaching English


Mentor teacher

The teacher has conducted over 3000 lessons at All Right

Student reviews

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Tous les enseignants sont soumis à un entretien et un examen en trois étapes. Les informations concernant la formation, l'expérience et les qualités professionnelles de l'enseignant sont vérifiées par l'administration. Veuillez nous contacter pour en savoir plus sur l'enseignant, y compris ses diplômes et ses certificats d'enseignement.

Formation académique

  • 2015 2018

    Saint Columban College

    Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management

Expérience professionnelle

  • 2019 2022

    51 talk

    Master Teacher A/ Club Captain

  • 2022 2023

    Novakid Inc.

    ESL teacher

Certificats et diplômes

  • -

  • -

Teacher video cover
Hi! My name is Joseph. I've been happily teaching English online since 2019. I teach students at different levels from kids, teens to adults. I am very passionate when it comes to teching. When I see my students smiling and enjoying learning, it makes me very happy as a teacher. I make sure that my students are having interactive, engaging, and interesting English lessons every time. I love reading English books and watching English movies too. I love meeting people from different parts of the world. In teachng, being patient and understanding to the student at all times makes the difference between a good class and a bad class. Thus, building rapport in the class with the student and alson with the parent has wonderful outcomes. I am looking forward to meeting you, see you soon!
  • Expérience professionnelle 5 years
  • Enseignement à partir du 3 au 14 years
  • Leçon à partir de 8,74 €
  • Je parle: anglais, tagalog natif
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