Timea P.

Timea P. tuteur d'anglais pour enfants

120 reviews

Professional Teach kids teacher with 1 year of experience teaching English


Experienced teacher

The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right

Student reviews

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Tous les enseignants sont soumis à un entretien et un examen en trois étapes. Les informations concernant la formation, l'expérience et les qualités professionnelles de l'enseignant sont vérifiées par l'administration. Veuillez nous contacter pour en savoir plus sur l'enseignant, y compris ses diplômes et ses certificats d'enseignement.

Formation académique

  • 2018 2021

    Transylvanian University of Brasov, Faculty of Letters

    American Studies

    Bachelors Degree

Expérience professionnelle

  • 2023 2023


    English teacher at Allright

Certificats et diplômes

  • 2017

    C1 Level Exam in the English Language - European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages

  • 2018

    Cambridge C1 Level Exam in the English Language - British Council of Romania

  • 2021

    Bachelors Degree - Transylvanian University of Brasov, Faculty of Letters, American Studies

Teacher video cover
Hello! My name is Timea, I am a University Graduate who loves children and would like to help them learn the English language in a fun non conventional way. Allright seems like a wonderful platform to achieve this! I would be the perfect teacher for your child for the following reasons: I have a Bachelor's degree in American English, I have multiple C1 level english diplomas, my knowledge of the language comes from a young age since I spent most of my childhood in the United States and attended school there, I love working with children and have been teaching my younger family members english since they were born. I would love to help your child as well! I guarantee that you will not be disappointed, I cannot wait to start ! Timea Papp-Cîndea
  • Expérience professionnelle 1 year
  • Enseignement à partir du 3 years
  • Leçon à partir de 8,74 €
  • Je parle: roumain, hongrois natif, anglais
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