Liubov T.

Liubov T. tuteur d'anglais pour enfants

79 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Anglais parlé teacher with 10 years of experience teaching English


Experienced teacher

The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right

Student reviews

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Tous les enseignants sont soumis à un entretien et un examen en trois étapes. Les informations concernant la formation, l'expérience et les qualités professionnelles de l'enseignant sont vérifiées par l'administration. Veuillez nous contacter pour en savoir plus sur l'enseignant, y compris ses diplômes et ses certificats d'enseignement.

Formation académique

  • 2009 2013

    Chortkiv Oleksandr Barvinskyi Regional Pedagogical School

    Primary education teacher, foreign language teacher in primary classes.

    Junior Specialist

  • 2013 2015

    Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

    Primary School Teacher.


  • 2015 2016

    Ternopil Pedagogical University

    Primary Education Manager, Primary School Teacher.


Expérience professionnelle

  • 2013 2023

    Pidhaichyky school of grades I-II

    Primary school teacher, an English teacher in primary classes, a deputy headmaster.

Certificats et diplômes

  • 2013

    Junior Specialist's Diploma - Chortkiv Oleksandr Barvinskyi Regional Pedagogical School

    Certificat confirmé
  • 2015

    Bachelor's Diploma - Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.

    Certificat confirmé
  • 2016

    Specialist's Diploma - Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

    Certificat confirmé
  • 2017

    Certificate - Public union "Osvitoria". National award "Global Teacher Prize Ukraine".

    Certificat confirmé
  • 2019

    Certificate - Ternopil Regional Communal Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education.

    Certificat confirmé
  • 2020

    Certificate - Ternopil Regional Communal Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education.

    Certificat confirmé
  • 2022

    Certificate - Ternopil Regional Communal Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education.

    Certificat confirmé
  • 2023

    Certificate - Online education studio EdEra

    Certificat confirmé
Teacher video cover
My name is Liubov. I am a primary school teacher, an English teacher in primary classes and a deputy headmaster. I have a higher education. I love my job because I love children. My work experience is 10 years. I always work for results. I can find an approach to each child. I am friendly, responsible and communicative. I am constantly working on self-education. I will be happy to become your teacher!
  • Expérience professionnelle 10 years
  • Enseignement à partir du 3 au 14 years
  • Leçon à partir de 8,74 €
  • Je parle: ukrainien natif, anglais
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