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Professional Teach kids, Anglais parlé teacher with 8 years of experience teaching English
Super teacher
The teacher has conducted over 5000 lessons at All Right
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Tous les enseignants sont soumis à un entretien et un examen en trois étapes. Les informations concernant la formation, l'expérience et les qualités professionnelles de l'enseignant sont vérifiées par l'administration. Veuillez nous contacter pour en savoir plus sur l'enseignant, y compris ses diplômes et ses certificats d'enseignement.
Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Serbia
English Language and Literature
Bachelor with honours in Philology
Schools of foreign languages: ’’Loquela“ and ’’Lexis“
English language teacher at both schools
Bachelor with honours in Philology - Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Serbia
Nevena (Vlada) Dudaš, born on 02 October 1995 in Novi Sad, the Municipality of Novi Sad, the Republic of Serbia, enrolled in the academic year 2014/2015, on 19 June 2018, completed the first degree undergraduate academic studies at the study programme ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE with an academic work load of 240 (two hundred and forty) ECTS credits with a grade point average of 9,15 (nine point one five).
master diploma - Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Serbia -