Reviews about All Right: what parents say
Reviews about the All Right school
Ratings from parents using the All Right platform
5 Lesson interactivity
4.9 Progress speed
4.8 Teacher quality
4.7 Schedule flexibility
2.5 million lessons conducted
65,000 students taught
600 + teachers
8 years on the market
Reviews about our teachers
1021 reviews
Simona Cinalli & Camilla
graziemilele atutti e soprattutto a lamia super insegnIante SIMONA GRAZZIEMILLE
8 years old
Юля & Яна
Спасибо за урок! Дочке очень понравилось. Но просьба объяснять по русски ребёнку непонятные слова, так как ребёнок не может понять задания.
7 years old
Dana Oniga & Andrada
Din pacate au fost unele probleme la conexiune. mesajul ajungea cu intreruperi si cu intarziere.
4 years old
Ania & Staś
Polecam serdecznie, przemiła nauczycielka z bardzo fajnym podejściem do dzieci
4 years old
Wojciech & Pola
The teacher had some minor technical problems, but the lesson can be considered a success :)
7 years old