Raed A.

Raed A. nastavnici engleskog za decu

1.422 reviews

Professional Podučava odrasle, Teach kids, Konverzacijski engleski teacher with 3 years of experience teaching English


Super teacher

The teacher has conducted over 5000 lessons at All Right

Student reviews

Nažalost, za sada nema pregleda

Svi nastavnici prolaze intervju i proveru kroz tri faze. Administrator proverava obrazovanje, radno iskustvo i profesionalne kvalitete nastavnika. Molim Vas, budite slobodni da nas kontaktirate u vezi sa detaljima o nastavniku/ci, kao i u vezi sa njegovim/njenim obrazovanjem i priloženim sertifikatima.


  • 2004 2008

    Faculty of commerce, Cairo university

    Accounting and business administration

Radno iskustvo

  • 2019 2020


    English teacher (Online & Face to face)

  • 2020 now


    Online ESL Teacher

Sertifikati i diplome

  • 2020

    TESOL for teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - International Open Academy

    Potvrđen sertifikat
Teacher video cover
My name is Raed, and I love teaching kids! I have been teaching English for almost a year now. I have taught all levels of English, and most of my students are kids from different nationalities. So I understand how to help kids improve their English. Practicing English is very important, so I focus on helping students speak and practice what they have learned in a fun and practical way. I believe classes need to be interesting and fun. So at my classes, we would play games, sing songs and have fun with you. I provide students with many opportunities to speak. As a person, I enjoy watching movies, reading, sports, listening to music, and walking. Looking forward to meeting you at my lessons.
  • Radno iskustvo 3 years
  • Učim od 3 years
  • Lekcije od 6,69 €
  • Govorim: engleski, arapski izvorni
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