Pearlane D.

Pearlane D. nastavnici engleskog za decu

66 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Teaches teens, Konverzacijski engleski teacher with 4 years of experience teaching English


Experienced teacher

The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right

Student reviews

Nažalost, za sada nema pregleda

Svi nastavnici prolaze intervju i proveru kroz tri faze. Administrator proverava obrazovanje, radno iskustvo i profesionalne kvalitete nastavnika. Molim Vas, budite slobodni da nas kontaktirate u vezi sa detaljima o nastavniku/ci, kao i u vezi sa njegovim/njenim obrazovanjem i priloženim sertifikatima.


  • 2012 2016

    Mindanao State University

    Filipino language

    Bachelor in Secondary Education

Radno iskustvo

  • 2018 2023

    Private and Public Schools

    Primary Teacher

Sertifikati i diplome

  • 2016

    Diploma - Mindanao State University

  • 2024

    120 hour TESOL/TEFL Certificate - Word Tesol Academy

    Potvrđen sertifikat
Teacher video cover
Hello. I am Teacher Pearl. I have four and a half years of teaching experience in Thailand in both classroom and online environments. I taught English as a second language in several schools and also in private 1-2-1 lessons. It is my desire to motivate and boost their confidence. I believe that every child is unique and I make sure my teaching methods are suitable for each student. I finished my Bachelor's degree in Education in 2016 and became a licensed teacher in the Philippines in the same year. In 2018, I moved to Thailand to teach and gained a Teaching License. At present, I am studying TESOL to gain a global certification. For leisure I enjoy photography, painting and baking. Apart from that I also binge watch films and play online games regularly. Hope to meet you soon.
  • Radno iskustvo 4 years
  • Učim od 3 do 12 years
  • Lekcije od 6,5 USD
  • Govorim: engleski, tagalog izvorni
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