Kinga R.

Kinga R. insegnante di lingua inglese per bambini

1 review

Professional Eighth-grade examination (E8) teacher with 10 years of experience teaching English

Recensioni degli studenti

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Tutti gli insegnanti sono sottoposti a un colloquio in 3 fasi. L'istruzione, l'esperienza lavorativa e le qualità professionali degli insegnanti sono verificate dall'amministrazione. Vi preghiamo di contattarci per ottenere maggiori informazioni sull'insegnante, compresi i titoli di studio e i documenti che certificano le competenze da insegnante.


  • 2019 2023


    Modern Business Management

    Bachelor’s degree

Esperienza lavorativa

  • 2019 2019

    CE Lingua

    A teacher

Certificati e diplomi

  • 2025

    Young Learners Methodology - AllRight

Teacher video cover
For over 10 years, I have been helping students feel more confident in their English lessons and exams. My teaching journey began back in school when my classmates would ask for my help before tests. They wanted not only to do well on their exams but also to gain confidence in using the language. I was happy to assist them, and in return, they supported me in my own challenges, such as academic competitions. Later, I attended a high school with an advanced math program and then studied economics in English. My studies taught me that the more challenges we face, the more support we need—both from our loved ones and our teachers. That’s why, in my work, I focus on an individual approach, a friendly atmosphere, practical language use, and drawing inspiration from cultural materials. My goal is not only to prepare students for exams but also to develop their language skills in a way that will be useful in everyday life.
  • Esperienza lavorativa 10 years
  • Impara a partire da 5 fino al 55 years
  • Lezione a partire da 8,5 USD
  • Parla: polish madrelingua, inglese
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