Professional TOEFL, IELTS, 大人を教える, Teach kids, Eighth-grade examination (E8), Cambridge Exam Pre A1 - YLE Starters, Cambridge Exam A1 - YLE Movers, Cambridge Exam A2 - YLE Flyers, Cambridge Exam A2 - KET for Schools, Cambridge Exam B1 - PET for Schools, Cambridge Exam C1 - CAE, Cambridge Exam C2 - CPE, ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), Teaches teens, External Independent Evaluation teacher with 18 years of experience teaching English
Experienced teacher
The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right
Centro Escolar University
Abnormal Psychology, Child Psychology, Psychology of Learning
BS Psychology
Informatics Robinsons Manila
Informatics Robinsons Manila
Communication Skills and American Accent (Ann Cook)
Pioneer Language Educational Foundation Inc
ESL teacher (May - July 2008); then promoted to Administrative and Academic Assistant Supervisor (July 2008-January 2009)
ET-Phone Live Online Communication Inc.
JumpHigh Academy Inc
Senior English as Second Language Teacher also Teachers Trainer
Palfish Kids
Kids Course Official Teacher
Teaching English as a Foreign Language - TEFL Professional Development Institute