Reviews about All Right: what parents say
Reviews about the All Right school
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Dominik is 7y.He is in 1st class, primary school. Started with english 6months ago.(since september 2024) I would like to help him with wocabulary, pronunciation, to be more confident...
Sorry, when i click on advers the lesson it s over
Thanks Michaela for perfect first lesson and positive energy. We are looking forward to next.
I had a technical issue with popups (incorrect browser). I use Brave (compatible Chromium based) browser so it shall be no problem. Pls improve browser detection - it is annoying. Alex is very nice, I think Stevko will like the lessons.
Uz nastavnikovu pomoc, ocena popravljna sa 1 na 4. Jako smo zadovoljni sa edukacijom a najvise nastavnikom Zeljkom koji je maksimlno posvecen i ulaze puno truda u nas napredak. Sv pohvale za nastavnika.