Elena C.

Elena C. – 어린이를 위한 영어 선생님

4 reviews

Professional 아이엘츠 (IELTS) teacher with 10 years of experience teaching English

Student reviews

안타깝게도 아직 작성된 후기가 없습니다

All Right 강사진 전원은 엄격한 3단계 면접 및 시험을 통과한 인재들입니다. All Right에서 모든 선생님의 교육자로서의 자질, 아동 교육 경력, 그리고 직업적 자격을 검증하였습니다. 만약 특정 선생님의 자격증 등에 대한 문의사항이 있으시다면 저희에게 연락주시기 바랍니다.


  • 2013 – 2017

    “Alecu Russo” State University of Bălți

    English language and literature and German language

    Bachelor degree

  • 2017 – 2019

    “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași

    Project Management

    Master degree


  • 2024 – 현재

    All Right

    English teacher

자격증 및 졸업장

  • 2020

    Trainer certification - Federația agricultorilor de munte – Sector economic V. Dornei

  • 2024

    Certificate C1 - IELTS

  • 2024

    B1 - GOETHE-Zertifikat

Teacher video cover
Hi! My name is Elena. I currently live in the Netherlands. I am originally from Republic of Moldova, but I also studied and worked in Romania. Living and working in an international environment, I include real-life examples in teaching English. During our lessons, I will use a variety of methods and tools, all of them adjusted to the particular learning style of the student. My goal is to create a supportive environment and to focus on clear interaction. Together we can explore the fields of day-to-day English, as well as the business communication.
  • 경력 10 years
  • 교습 시작가 3 까지 14 years
  • 수업 시작가 US$0.5
  • 언어: 영어, 루마니아어 원어민, 러시아어, 독일어
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