Nataliia А.

Nataliia А. Tutor de língua inglesa para crianças

121 reviews

Professional Ensina adultos, Teach kids, Inglês falado teacher with 5 years of experience teaching English


Experienced teacher

The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right

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  • 2012 2017

    Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages of State Higher Educational Establishment "Donbass State Pedagogical University"

    Language and Literature (teacher of the English language, the German language and World Literature)

    Educational qualification level is Specialist

Experiência profissional

  • 2015 2016

    Secondary school

    English teacher

Certificados e diplomas

  • -

  • 2017

    Diploma - Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages of State Higher Educational Establishment "Donbass State Pedagogical University"

Teacher video cover
My name is Natalia and I am from Ukraine. I adore English and will gladly provide you into the English space. We will surely find a common language, take it from me. My biggest goal here is to focus on your speaking and that is why you will see a great progress in a short time.
  • Experiência profissional 5 years
  • Ensina a partir de 3 years
  • Aula a partir de US$ 6,5
  • Fala: ucraniano nativo, inglês
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