Janese C.

Janese C. Tutor de língua inglesa para crianças

281 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Dyslexia, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), Inglês falado teacher with 11 years of experience teaching English


Super teacher

The teacher has conducted over 5000 lessons at All Right

Student reviews

Infelizmente ainda não existem depoimentos

Todos os professores são submetidos a 3 estágios de entrevista e verificação. As informações relacionadas à formação do professor, experiência e qualificação profissional são verificadas pela administração. Por favor, entre em contato conosco para informações detalhadas sobre o professor, incluindo sua formação e certificados de ensino.


  • 1991 1995

    Truman State University, Missouri, USA

    Spanish Education / English Linguistics


  • 1995 1997

    Iowa State University, Iowa, USA

    Teacher English as a Second Language

    Master's Degree

Experiência profissional

  • 2008 2016

    Institute of Modern English/IME Kids!


  • 2018 2019

    Palfish (Chinese online ESL company)

    1-on-1 online ESL teacher

Certificados e diplomas

  • 1997

    Master's Degree TESOL - Iowa State University

    Certificado confirmado
  • 2019

    Teaching Knowledge Test - Cambridge

    I was awarded the highest band possible in the Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test.

    Certificado confirmado
Teacher video cover
I am an ESL instructor from the United States with a Master's Degree in TESOL and over ten years of experience teaching children English. I have spent the past year teaching English online to children in China (over 1,000 classes taught). I am very interested in learning about children from other parts of the world! "When one teaches, two learn." It is important to learn about the student in order to best personalize their lesson.
  • Experiência profissional 11 years
  • Ensina a partir de 3 para 16 years
  • Aula a partir de € 6,69
  • Fala: inglês nativo, espanhol
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