Emily D.

Emily D. репетитор английского для детей

2 отзыва

Профессиональный преподаватель Учу взрослых, Учу детей, Teaches teens с 10-летним опытом работы учителем английского языка

Отзывы учеников

К сожалению еще нет отзывов

Все учителя проходят 3х-этапное собеседование на конкурсной основе. Образование, опыт работы и профессиональные качества учителя проверены администрацией. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами чтобы получить более подробную информацию об учителе, включая сертификаты об образовании.


  • 1996 2001

    Tarlac State University

    Physical Education, Health and Music

    BS Secondary Education

  • 2023 2023

    Teacher's Record



Опыт работы

  • 2009 2011

    Interworld of Science and Technology Foundation

    English Teacher

  • 2018 2021


    ESL Teacher

Сертификаты и дипломы

  • 2001

    Diploma - Tarlac State University

  • 2023

    TEFL - Teacher's Record

Teacher video cover
Hello! My name is Emily. I've been an online ESL teacher for almost six years now. I'm TEFL certified. I completed my bachelor's degree in secondary education and was able to practice my teaching profession to high school and college students. I taught English as a subject and guided them on how to write a research paper, interact with some certain communities to compose correct information in their research, conducted arguments and debates to practice their logical and speaking skills. I also helped them how to pass a job interview. I taught English literature to high school students and helped them improve their grammar and speaking skills. When I became an online ESL teacher I started to expand my teaching goal to all ages, from kids to adults, from beginners to advanced learners. And created an additional set of learning goals for my students such as coining new words or the newly created or invented words that are now part of the English conversation, paraphrasing, substitution. My teaching strategy is communication technique which is a student- focused class. This means learners can explore their English-learning goal and see their progress. So what are you waiting for! Book a free trial class with me now. See you then!
  • Опыт работы 10 лет
  • обучаю от 3 до 14 лет
  • Урок от 0,5 $
  • Говорю: тагальский родной, английский
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