Peter O.

Peter O. učiteľ angličtiny pre deti

101 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Učí dospelých, TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Exam Pre A1 - YLE Starters, Cambridge Exam A1 - YLE Movers, Cambridge Exam A2 - YLE Flyers, Cambridge Exam A2 - KET for Schools, Cambridge Exam B1 - PET for Schools, Cambridge Exam B2 - FCE for Schools, Cambridge Exam C1 - CAE, Cambridge Exam C2 - CPE, Teaches teens, External Independent Evaluation teacher with 9 years of experience teaching English


Super teacher

The teacher has conducted over 5000 lessons at All Right

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Všetci učitelia prechádzajú trojstupňovým pohovorom a skúškou. Administratíva kontroluje informácie o vzdelaní, skúsenostiach a odborných kvalitách učiteľa/učiteľky. Ak chcete získať viac informácií o učiteľovi/učiteľky, vrátane jeho/jej vzdelania a osvedčení o výučbe, kontaktujte nás.


  • 2010 2014

    Osias Educational Foundation



Pracovné skúsenosti

  • 2014 2015

    Santa Catalina Academy High School

    English Teacher

  • 2015 2016

    Osias Educational Foundation

    College English Instructor

  • 2015 2018


    Online English Teacher

  • 2018 2023


    Online English Tutor

Certifikáty a diplomy

  • 2014

    Diploma - Osias Educational Foundation

    Certifikát potvrdený
  • 2023

    TESOL - International Open Academy

    Certifikát potvrdený
  • 2023

    TEFL - TEFL Professional Institute- Teacher Record

    Certifikát potvrdený
Teacher video cover
Hi, this is Peter from the Philippines. I attended my College at Osias Educational Foundation and was awarded a degree in English. I have TEFL and TESOL certifications. I am a certified teacher. I have been teaching English both online and offline for almost 9 years now. I handle Filipino and Chinese students from beginner to advanced levels. In this course, we will be covering a wide range of topics and diving deep into grammar, pronunciation, critical analysis and conversational English. I believe in creating a supportive and interactive learning environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and asking questions. We will be working together to learn and understand the subject matter, and I encourage all of you to actively participate and engage in discussions and activities. I understand that each of you has different learning styles and strengths, so I will be incorporating a variety of teaching methods and resources to cater to everyone's needs. I am committed to making the learning journey enjoyable and effective for all of you. I truly believe that with dedication, hard work, and a positive mindset, each and every one of you can excel in this subject. I am excited to embark on this learning adventure with all of you. So, book a lesson with me now and let's learn English together. Thank you!
  • Pracovné skúsenosti 9 years
  • Prednášam deťom vo veku od 3 do 60 years
  • Hodina od 6,99 €
  • Hovorím: tagalogský rodený hovorca, angličtina
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