Emma A.

Emma A. – nastavnici engleskog za decu

186 reviews

Professional Podučava odrasle, Teach kids, Teaches teens teacher with 3 years of experience teaching English

Teacher skills verified

The teacher completed training from All Right

Student reviews

Nažalost, za sada nema pregleda

Svi nastavnici prolaze intervju i proveru kroz tri faze. Administrator proverava obrazovanje, radno iskustvo i profesionalne kvalitete nastavnika. Molim Vas, budite slobodni da nas kontaktirate u vezi sa detaljima o nastavniku/ci, kao i u vezi sa njegovim/njenim obrazovanjem i priloženim sertifikatima.


  • 2018 – 2022

    Brusov State University



Radno iskustvo

  • 2019 – 2021


    Private English Tutor

  • 2021 – present


    Online ESL Teacher

Sertifikati i diplome

  • 2021

    Teacher Training Certificate - AllRight

    Potvrđen sertifikat
  • 2022

    Bachelor's Diploma - Translator

Teacher video cover
I’m Emma from Armenia. My native language is Armenian. I’m a trilingual (English-Russian-Armenian) translator and I graduated from Brusov State University. In addition to being a translator, I also teach English. I have been working as a private tutor for about 3 years (since 2019). Working with children is interesting. I help them to think in English and gain speaking skills. Besides my professional skills, I would like to mention that I am an art lover. In my leisure time, I draw or play the piano. It should also be mentioned my personal features. I am hardworking, honest, creative, punctual and disciplined. I love my job very much and think learning English will not be boring with me.
  • Radno iskustvo 3 years
  • Učim od 3 do 18 years
  • Lekcije od 0,5 US$
  • Govorim: engleski, jermenski izvorni, ruski
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