Reviews about All Right: what parents say
Reviews about the All Right school
Ratings from parents using the All Right platform
5 Lesson interactivity
4.9 Progress speed
4.8 Teacher quality
4.7 Schedule flexibility
2.5 million lessons conducted
65,000 students taught
600 + teachers
8 years on the market
Reviews about our teachers
1024 reviews
Олена & Поліна
Дуже уважний та відповідальний вчитель. Чудово комунікує з дитиною. Нам дуже сподобалося заняття
8 years old
Катерина & Варвара
Lessons with Jane are wonderful and understandable for the child, the language barrier is not felt. Amazing teacher!
5 years old
Groza Cosmina & Miruna
I ove lessons with miss Raluca! She is the best!
10 years old
Elena & Arianna
La maestra Viola è brava a spiegarti i concetti che non capisci, ti fa ragionare, ti aiuta a riflettere e ti aiuta quando sei in difficoltà. La adoro e non vorrei mai cambiarla perché è bravissima a insegnarmi l’inglese!!!
10 years old
Roberta & Tommaso
Molto empatica, delicata e capace di interessare e coinvolgere il bimbo
5 years old