Reviews about All Right: what parents say
Reviews about the All Right school
Ratings from parents using the All Right platform
5 Lesson interactivity
4.9 Progress speed
4.8 Teacher quality
4.7 Schedule flexibility
2.5 million lessons conducted
65,000 students taught
600 + teachers
8 years on the market
Reviews about our teachers
1021 reviews
Roksana & Igor
Pani Maja jest bardzo zaangażowana w lekcję, stara się mówić jak najwięcej może. Motywuje do samodzielnego mówienia . Polecamy tą nauczycielkę.
6 years old
Alexandra Stirbu & Alice
Sorry, when i click on advers the lesson it s over
8 years old
Eva & Stela
Thanks Michaela for perfect first lesson and positive energy. We are looking forward to next.
9 years old
Štefan & Števko
I had a technical issue with popups (incorrect browser). I use Brave (compatible Chromium based) browser so it shall be no problem. Pls improve browser detection - it is annoying. Alex is very nice, I think Stevko will like the lessons.
6 years old
Cristina & Sara
very nice teacher and creative games. we like it! thank you! <3
9 years old