Nikola T.

Nikola T. – Gyermek angol oktató

7 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Felnőttoktatás, Teaches teens teacher with 8 years of experience teaching English

Student reviews

Sajnos még nincsenek vélemények

Minden tanárunk egy 3 lépcsős interjú és vizsga rendszeren megy keresztül. A tanárról kiírt információkat, mint például a képesítéseket, végzettséget, tapasztalatot minden esetben ellenőrizzük. Kérem írjanak nekünk a tanárokkal kapcsolatos részletes információkért!


  • 2002 – 2007

    Faculty of Political Sciences University of Belgrade

    International relations

    M.A. in International Relations


  • 2016 – 2022


    Online English Tutor

Oklevelek és diplomák

  • 2024

    TEFL - Teacher Record

Teacher video cover
My name is Nikola and I come from Serbia. I have been teaching English on line for almost a decade. I possess two TEFL certificates and teaching experience not exclusively related to English. Throughout my teaching career, I worked with both children and adults. When it comes to teaching kids, I worked with preschool and school age children, as well as with teenagers. I am especially dedicated to proper pronunciation and development of speaking skills and comprehention. I enjoy teaching grammar, especially the use of tenses and I am also very good at teaching business English. And, of course, I am always open for frre-talk lessons with students on subjects such are international politics, economy, history, literature, art, music, etc. I look forward to meeting new students and new friends, as well.
  • Munkatapasztalat 8 years
  • Tanítás ból 5 nak/nek 18 years
  • Óra ból 0,5 USD
  • Ilyen nyelveken beszélek: angol, szerb anyanyelvi, olasz
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