Katerina I.

Katerina I. tutor bahasa inggris untuk anak-anak

688 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Bahasa Inggris percakapan teacher with 4 years of experience teaching English


Super teacher

The teacher has conducted over 5000 lessons at All Right

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Semua guru telah menjalani proses wawancara dan ujian 3 tahap. Informasi tentang pendidikan, pengalaman, dan kualitas profesional guru telah diperiksa oleh bagian administrasi. Silakan hubungi kami untuk informasi rinci tentang guru, termasuk pendidikan dan sertifikat mengajarnya.


  • 1996 2000

    Zaporizhzhya State University

    Teacher of English language and literature

    Bachelor's degree

Pengalaman kerja

  • 2007 2013

    Glass furnaces LTD


  • 2017 2018

    Self-employed English tutor

  • 2018 present


    English teacher

Sertifikat dan ijazah

  • -

  • 2001

    European Certificate of German - Professional Development Courses

  • 2002

    Certificate of proficiency in German for international students - Aachen, Germany

Teacher video cover
I used to work as a translator and then I started to help children from neighbourhood with their English lessons. It was a kind of hobby for me but then it turned into my job. I enjoy working with children, helping them. In my lessons I always try to be more a friend than a teacher to my little students.
  • Pengalaman kerja 4 years
  • Belajar dari 4 sampai 12 years
  • Pelajaran dari US$6,5
  • Berbicara: bahasa inggris, rusia native, ukraina, german
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