Mary  D.

Mary D. tutor bahasa inggris untuk anak-anak

48 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Mengajar remaja, Teaches teens, External Independent Evaluation teacher with 1 years of experience teaching English


Experienced teacher

The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right

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Semua guru telah menjalani proses wawancara dan ujian 3 tahap. Informasi tentang pendidikan, pengalaman, dan kualitas profesional guru telah diperiksa oleh bagian administrasi. Silakan hubungi kami untuk informasi rinci tentang guru, termasuk pendidikan dan sertifikat mengajarnya.


  • 2019 2023

    Mandaue City College

    Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Filipino

    Bachelor's Degree

Pengalaman kerja

  • menyajikan


    ESL Teacher

Sertifikat dan ijazah

  • -

  • 2023

    Diploma - Mandaue City College

  • 2023

    TESOL - American Council of Training and Development

Teacher video cover
Hello! My name is Teacher Joy and I am from the Philippines. A graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Filipino. I am certified TESOL and TEFL teacher. Moreover I served as an ESL teacher for 1 year I've worked with diverse student. Furthermore I teach in a manner that encourages my learners to speak without the fear of making mistakes. And I am happy to focus on my learners goal. See you soon!
  • Pengalaman kerja 1 years
  • Belajar dari 3 sampai 18 years
  • Pelajaran dari Rp 97.305,39
  • Berbicara: bahasa inggris, tagalog
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