Viktoriia O.

Viktoriia O. – tutor bahasa inggris untuk anak-anak

224 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Bahasa Inggris percakapan teacher with 10 years of experience teaching English


Experienced teacher

The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right

09 Mar — 15 Mar, 2025
Africa/Abidjan UTC 0 Ganti
Mg 9
Sn 10
Sl 11
Rb 12
Km 13
Jm 14
Sb 15
Mg 9
Sn 10
Sl 11
Rb 12
Km 13
Jm 14
Sb 15

Tampilkan waktu malam

Student reviews

Sayang sekali karena belum ada review

Semua guru telah menjalani proses wawancara dan ujian 3 tahap. Informasi tentang pendidikan, pengalaman, dan kualitas profesional guru telah diperiksa oleh bagian administrasi. Silakan hubungi kami untuk informasi rinci tentang guru, termasuk pendidikan dan sertifikat mengajarnya.


  • 2011 – 2015

    Lviv Polytechnic National University

    Chemical Technology and Engineering


  • 2015 – 2017

    Lviv Polytechnic National University

    Chemical technology of food additives and cosmetic products


  • 2019 – now

    Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

    Macromolecular Chemistry


Pengalaman kerja

  • – menyajikan

Sertifikat dan ijazah

  • 2021

    Cambridge English (FCE) - British Council Exams

Teacher video cover
Hello dear friends! My name is Viktoriia, but you can call me Viki. I'm a movie lover, but also I enjoy reading books. I do sports, namely I like to dance and hike. But my biggest passion is traveling, and I have been to more than 20 countries and I'm not stopping there. I have a lot of experience working for international companies, have friends from all over the world, continue to learn new languages, and enjoy working with children. - Experience in public speaking and lecturing; - PhD student; - I have diverse work experience in international academic institutions; - Volunteer in orphanages (Organization of children's workshops).
  • Pengalaman kerja 10 years
  • Belajar dari 3 sampai 14 years
  • Pelajaran dari US$6,5
  • Berbicara: bahasa inggris, ceko, ukraina native, jepang
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