Reviews about All Right: what parents say
2.5 million lessons conducted
65,000 students taught
600 + teachers
8 years on the market
Ratings from parents using the All Right platform
5 Lesson interactivity
4.9 Progress speed
4.8 Teacher quality
4.7 Schedule flexibility
Reviews about the All Right school
Reviews about our teachers
1025 reviews
Lenka & Alica
best lesson mb byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my friend i missed youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sorry i want to do a heart but i cant bye
10 years old
Rodič & Sofia
Ďakujeme za skvelú prvú hodinu. Aj napriek zmene učiteľa som rada že Sofinka pri Vás nemala problém komunikovať keďže je občas dosť plachá. Hodina sa dcérke veľmi páčila a budeme naďalej pokračovať.
8 years old
Zuzana & Nikolka
bolo to super , super bolo aj v akej forme to bolo
11 years old
Jana Remenárová & Ema Menčlová
Thank you! It was a pleasure to have lesson with you!
12 years old
Alexandra Takácsová & Nikolay
My son enjoys lessons with Ms. Aleksandra so much. She is having a really great approach to kids and her patience is admirable. I would recommend her to every beginner.
6 years old