Igor I.

Igor I. učiteľ angličtiny pre deti

10 reviews

Professional Teach kids teacher with 1 years of experience teaching English

Student reviews

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  • 2008 2013

    National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

    Social Pedagogy


Pracovné skúsenosti

  • 2013 2019

    Carnival Corporation

    Guest Services Officer

  • 2024 súčasne

    All Right

    English Teacher

Certifikáty a diplomy

  • Bachelor - National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

  • 2013


Teacher video cover
I studied English at a specialized language school in Kyiv, where I built a strong foundation in the language. I later spent five years living and working in the United States, which gave me extensive experience with native speakers and a deep understanding of American culture. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy, and my English proficiency is at a B2-C1 level. As a children’s English teacher, I focus on creating a fun and engaging learning environment. My lessons are designed to be interactive, incorporating games, stories, and creative activities to make learning enjoyable and effective. I aim to build children's confidence in using English while helping them develop essential language skills. Whether your child is a beginner or looking to improve, I’m committed to making their learning journey a positive and rewarding experience.
  • Pracovné skúsenosti 1 year
  • Prednášam deťom vo veku od 5 years
  • Hodina od 6,99 €
  • Hovorím: angličtina, ukrajinčina rodený hovorca, ruština rodený hovorca
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