Jenelyn M.

Jenelyn M. učiteľ angličtiny pre deti

45 reviews

Professional Teach kids teacher with 5 years of experience teaching English

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  • 2010 2014

    Laguna State Polytechnic University

    Tourism management

    BS tourism

Pracovné skúsenosti

  • 2019 2021

    Acadsoc ltd.

    English tutor

  • 2021 súčasne


    Online ESL Teacher

Certifikáty a diplomy

  • 2021

    Certificate of Graduation - All Right Teacher Training

    Certifikát potvrdený
Teacher video cover
Hello, I'm Jenelyn, I can speak and write in English, and I have been teaching English for 2 years. As a person, I like cooking and watching movies. I like using my computer skills to make my online teaching more efficient and interesting. I would love to share my creative ideas and experiences to help you develop your abilities and enjoy your learning journey. I love teaching, so if you have a problem with your grammar, pronunciation, or English speaking skills, I'd be happy to help you in any way I can. Just booked my class, and I'll see you, and let's have fun learning :) Thank you for reading. Talk to you soon. :)
  • Pracovné skúsenosti 5 years
  • Prednášam deťom vo veku od 3 do 12 years
  • Hodina od 6,99 €
  • Hovorím: tagalogský rodený hovorca, angličtina
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