Nina Q.

Nina Q. učiteľ angličtiny pre deti

165 reviews

Professional Cambridge Exam B1 - PET for Schools, Cambridge Exam B2 - FCE for Schools, Cambridge Exam C1 - CAE, Teach kids, Teaches teens, teacher with 10 years of experience teaching English


Experienced teacher

The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right

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Všetci učitelia prechádzajú trojstupňovým pohovorom a skúškou. Administratíva kontroluje informácie o vzdelaní, skúsenostiach a odborných kvalitách učiteľa/učiteľky. Ak chcete získať viac informácií o učiteľovi/učiteľky, vrátane jeho/jej vzdelania a osvedčení o výučbe, kontaktujte nás.


  • 2010 2013

    Aklan State University


    Bachelor of Secondary Education

Pracovné skúsenosti

  • 2013 2015

    Infant Jesus Academy

    Preschool, 3rd Grade, and High School Teacher

  • 2015 2022

    Kalibo Elementary School

    Elementary School Teacher

  • 2018 present

    Online ESL Teaching

    Online ESL Teacher

Certifikáty a diplomy

  • 2019

    TESOL - International Open Academy

    Certifikát potvrdený
Teacher video cover
Hello, I am Teacher Nina. Teaching is a passion. It requires great patience and effort to be able to teach. In my 10 years of both online and offline teaching experience, handling juniors, teens and adults, I believe that I have acquired these qualities because teaching for me is not only a profession but a vocation. Teaching English as a profession gave me a sense of fulfillment in making my students improve their communication skills. I received my diploma in Education last 2013 and I got my TESOL certificate last 2019. Apart from teaching, I like to read books, watch science -fiction movies, travel with my family and most of all, try out different cuisines. I would like to invite you to join me in experiencing the fun in learning English. Let us work on your grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, among others. Let me help you in improving your communication skills in English and discover the fun together.
  • Pracovné skúsenosti 10 years
  • Prednášam deťom vo veku od 3 do 18 years
  • Hodina od 8,74 €
  • Hovorím: angličtina, tagalogský rodený hovorca
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