Aileen B.

Aileen B. – učiteľ angličtiny pre deti

88 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Hovorená angličtina teacher with 4 years of experience teaching English


Experienced teacher

The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right

10 mar — 16 mar, 2025
Africa/Abidjan UTC 0 Zmeniť
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Všetci učitelia prechádzajú trojstupňovým pohovorom a skúškou. Administratíva kontroluje informácie o vzdelaní, skúsenostiach a odborných kvalitách učiteľa/učiteľky. Ak chcete získať viac informácií o učiteľovi/učiteľky, vrátane jeho/jej vzdelania a osvedčení o výučbe, kontaktujte nás.


  • 2005 – 2009

    Mariano Quinto Alarilla Polytechnic College

    Education Major in English

    Bachelor's Degree

Pracovné skúsenosti

  • 2015 – 2019

    MJC English


  • 2021 – 2023

    Lizardbear Tasking

    Back Office Support

Certifikáty a diplomy

  • 2009

    Diploma - Mariano Quinto Alarilla Polytechnic College

    Certifikát potvrdený
  • 2021

    TEFL Certificate - TEFL Professional Development Institute

    Certifikát potvrdený
Teacher video cover
Hello, I'm Aileen, your ESL tutor. With a Bachelor's degree in Education, majoring in English, and a TEFL certification. I'm dedicated to helping you succeed in your English language journey. I'm committed to creating a supportive and enjoyable learning environment, tailored to your individual needs, so you can improve your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Let's work together to achieve your ESL goals. In our lessons, we'll explore the richness of the English language through engaging activities and real-life scenarios. Your progress is my priority, and I'm here to provide guidance, support, and encouragement every step of the way. Feel free to share your goals and questions, and let's embark on this language-learning adventure together. Let's get started!
  • Pracovné skúsenosti 4 years
  • Prednášam deťom vo veku od 3 do 14 years
  • Hodina od 8,5 USD
  • Hovorím: angličtina, tagalogský rodený hovorca
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