Jaquelyn M.

Jaquelyn M. – učiteľ angličtiny pre deti

37 reviews

Professional Teach kids teacher with 7 years of experience teaching English

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Všetci učitelia prechádzajú trojstupňovým pohovorom a skúškou. Administratíva kontroluje informácie o vzdelaní, skúsenostiach a odborných kvalitách učiteľa/učiteľky. Ak chcete získať viac informácií o učiteľovi/učiteľky, vrátane jeho/jej vzdelania a osvedčení o výučbe, kontaktujte nás.


  • 2001 – 2005

    AMA Computer College

    Computer Science


Pracovné skúsenosti

  • 2020 – 2023


    ESL Teacher

Certifikáty a diplomy

  • 2020

    TESOL & TEYL - Teach International

    Certifikát potvrdený
Teacher video cover
I am teacher Jackie. I've been an online ESL teacher since 2016. I have taught beginner to advanced to both young learners and adults. I am a JK12 certified and I know that I am knowledgeable enough to teach you from phonics to conversational English according to K to 12 standards. My teaching style depends on my student's level. I know that there are fast and not-so-fast learners, so don't worry I will be with you every step of the way going at your own pace. I always wear beautiful whenever I teach my students because I believe that way I can make them feel comfortable and excited in my class. Teaching is my passion and I just don't teach I also motivate my students to learn the English language.
  • Pracovné skúsenosti 7 years
  • Prednášam deťom vo veku od 3 do 14 years
  • Hodina od 0,5 USD
  • Hovorím: angličtina, tagalogský rodený hovorca
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