Catherine C.

Catherine C. učiteľ angličtiny pre deti

103 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Učí dospelých, IELTS teacher with 5 years of experience teaching English


Experienced teacher

The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right

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  • 2014 2018

    Western Mindanao State University


    Bachelor of Elementary Education

  • 2014 2018

    Western Mindanao State University


    Bachelor of Elementary Education

Pracovné skúsenosti

  • 2019 2023

    51Talk, Acadsoc, Alo7, Native Camp, David's English Center, Novakid, Private Tutor

    English as a Second Language Teacher

Certifikáty a diplomy

  • 2018

    Diploma - Western Mindanao State University

  • 2020

    TESOL TEYL - Teach International

Teacher video cover
Hi! I'm Catherine, I am a Certified English as a Second Language Teacher with over 5 years of experience. I am 26 years old, and I come from the Philippines. Since 2019, I have been teaching English online to students from around world that ages around 3 years old up to 60 years old. I believe in creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students are actively engaged in their own learning process. I prioritise individualized instruction, tailoring my teaching methods to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of students. I make sure that my students learn in the most fun way possible, I hope to see you in my class soon! :)
  • Pracovné skúsenosti 5 years
  • Prednášam deťom vo veku od 7 years
  • Hodina od 6,99 €
  • Hovorím: angličtina, tagalogský rodený hovorca
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