Reviews about All Right: what parents say
2.5 million lessons conducted
65,000 students taught
600 + teachers
8 years on the market
Ratings from parents using the All Right platform
5 Lesson interactivity
4.9 Progress speed
4.8 Teacher quality
4.7 Schedule flexibility
Reviews about the All Right school
Reviews about our teachers
1021 reviews
Dragana & Nina
Pravo je zadovoljstvo uciti engleski sa nastavnicom Lily. Volela bih da je ona moja nastavnica i u skoli🥰 Nina
10 years old
Ivana & Jakov
My son Jacob was very excited after the class. This was his first class ever and he likes teacher Nina a lot! We hope to meet more. Thank you, teacher, for being very careful and considerate with Jacob. Bye! 💖
8 years old
Marina & Vasilije
Lekcija je prošla fantastično. Jako smo zadovoljni radom sa Eldisom, Vasilije ga baš voli i baš se vidi napredak sa njim
7 years old
Ірина & Назар
Мега чудовий викладач!! Безмежно дякую за терпіння до 4х річного учня 😅 і при цьому завжди з посмішкою, що дуже і дуже важливо! Дякую!!!🙏
4 years old
Ana & Lucía
Excelente me encanta Amina se un montón gracias a ella
3 years old