Mariia D.

Mariia D. nastavnici engleskog za decu

12 reviews

Professional Teach kids teacher with 7 years of experience teaching English

Student reviews

Nažalost, za sada nema pregleda

Svi nastavnici prolaze intervju i proveru kroz tri faze. Administrator proverava obrazovanje, radno iskustvo i profesionalne kvalitete nastavnika. Molim Vas, budite slobodni da nas kontaktirate u vezi sa detaljima o nastavniku/ci, kao i u vezi sa njegovim/njenim obrazovanjem i priloženim sertifikatima.


  • 2013 2017

    Kyiv National Linguistic University

    English Philology


Radno iskustvo

  • 2017 trenutno

    Gymnasium of Nova Hreblia

    English teacher

Sertifikati i diplome

  • Other -

  • 2017

    Bachelor's Diploma - Kyiv National Linguistic University

  • 2018

    "English for Primary School Teachers" - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

  • 2018

    "Teaching 1 Grade Students" - Macmillan Education

  • 2021

    "Exam Strategies from A to Z" - British Council

  • 2022

    "Advanced training course" - British Council

  • 2022

    Competence-oriented teaching of foreign language communication for students of grades 5-9 in the context of the principles of the NUS - Dinternal Education

  • 2023

    "Learning losses and overcoming learning gaps: an English language teacher's action plan" - Dinternal Education

Teacher video cover
Hello! I'm Mariia. I'm 28 years old, and I have been working as an English teacher for 7 years. I love English and would be delighted to share my knowledge with you. I enjoy reading books, watching films, and doing scrapbooking. I hope we have a lot in common and will have great fun together!
  • Radno iskustvo 7 years
  • Učim od 6 do 12 years
  • Lekcije od 699 RSD
  • Govorim: ukrajinski izvorni, ruski, engleski
Nastavnici zauzeti za nove učenike