Jonalyn C.

Jonalyn C. – Englisch-Nachhilfelehrer für Kinder

77 reviews

Professional TOEFL, IELTS, Lehrt Erwachsene, Unterrichtet Kinder, High school graduation examination, Teaches teens, External Independent Evaluation teacher with 6 years of experience teaching English

Teacher skills verified

The teacher completed training from All Right

Student reviews

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"Alle Lehrer durchlaufen ein 3-Etappen-Gespräch mit wettbewerblicher Grundlage. Die Ausbildung, die Berufserfahrung und die Berufseigenschaften des Lehrers sind durch die Verwaltung geprüft. Bitte nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf, um nähere Information über den Lehrer inkl. Ausbildungszertifikate zu erhalten."


  • 2014 – 2018

    Philippine Normal University Mindanao

    teaching Elementary

    Bachelor in English Education


  • 2018 – 2021

    Philippine Normal University Mindanao, Center for Teaching and Learning

    Part-time nursery teacher

Zertifikate und Diplome

  • 2018

    Diploma - Philippine Normal University Mindanao

  • 2022

    Teaching English as a Foreign Language Course - Teacher Record

Teacher video cover
I am Jonalyn Cruiz, a 26-year-old holding a Bachelor's Degree in English Education with a Certificate in Teaching Elementary. Currently, I am pursuing my graduate studies at Caraga State University, specializing in English Language Teaching. With a passion for education, I have gained valuable teaching experience, having worked in a nursery school for four years. I also taught high school student for a year. I am passionate about fantasy realms in books and enchanted by the magic of travel. Embracing the wonders of both worlds with every turn of a page and step on a new path.
  • Berufserfahrung 6 years
  • Ich lehre Ab 4 von 18 years
  • Stunde Ab 0,5 $
  • Ich spreche: englisch, tagalog muttersprache
Ich nehme keine neuen Schüler