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All Right Blog Teacher Blog
Students Discipline: 10 Examples of Positive Punishment
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Students Discipline: 10 Examples of Positive Punishment

The article discusses the concept of positive punishment as a discipline technique in education, providing examples and explaining its benefits in maintaining classroom order and promoting appropriate behavior.

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Positive punishment is a frequent kind of discipline that quickly follows undesirable conduct by presenting something negative with the goal of preventing the undesirable behavior from occurring again. Positive reinforcement is the addition of something, whereas punishment is the reduction or suppression of behavior.

Any teacher will tell you that it is never enjoyable to punish your students. 

Nonetheless, it is your duty as a teacher to instruct your pupils on what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. AllRight has prepared instances of successful punishment to achieve this.

What is Positive Punishment?

Typically, when we hear the word "punishment," we picture something bad, like slapping a kid for having a tantrum in Walmart. The term "punishment," however, refers to any action that has a suppressing effect on behavior, which lowers the likelihood that the person will repeat the conduct, in the context of psychology.

Whereas negative reinforcement seeks to take advantage of conduct by taking away something unpleasant, positive punishment seeks to influence behavior by introducing something unpleasant. Making behavior less likely to happen again is the goal of positive punishment.

Examples of Effective Positive Punishment

One example of operant conditioning is positive punishment. Operant conditioning is a type of teaching that focuses on the results of actions. When a behavior is followed by an unpleasant or adverse experience, positive punishment attempts to reduce the behavior.

Positive punishment works best when combined with unwanted behavior, which is its key component. Positive discipline has a great deal of potential for reducing undesirable behaviors.

In the long run, relationships with students can be improved when teachers employ constructive punishment examples in the classroom. This type of discipline will be well-received by the students, who will gain knowledge of good classroom behavior.

Examples of constructive punishments include:

1. Take away a special item from the youngster for a predetermined period of time, such as a piece of candy or his favorite toy. Depending on the requirements and conditions of her students, the teacher may decide that this period should last a day, a week, or a month.

2. Advising the offending child that he must tidy up his desk before being permitted back into the classroom.

3. A student throws her papers on the floor after getting frustrated with an assignment. Her teacher makes her pick them up, and she won’t ever throw them on the ground again because it’s too much work.

4. In class, a student is speaking before their turn. His prized pencil gets taken away by his teacher and given to another pupil. This is not to the student's liking, and he or she stops speaking.

5. Students that act inappropriately receive detention. As a result of the detention, they behave better in the future, since they don't want to receive another one.

6. You might forbid a pupil from leaving the classroom during recess if you want them to pay attention in class. They can be forced to stay inside during breaks as well.

7. You will assign your student a time-out as punishment if he hits a classmate. After the behavior you don't want him to exhibit, you add ease (hitting).

8. A teacher may send a child out of the classroom until they have calmed down if they are behaving badly in class and talking out of turn. This is a form of constructive punishment.

9. Due to misbehavior or a failure to follow instructions, the teacher may give extra homework to the students, such as an essay or a page of arithmetic questions.

10. A pupil who uses foul language toward another student may be required to make amends and pick up the garbage on the school premises.

What is the Process of Positive Punishment?

When a behavior happens, positive punishment works by adding something harmful to the environment. Positive punishment is frequently interpreted by teachers as adding something unwanted while taking something away in order to reduce a behavior. This can be perplexing because the word "positive" only refers to the addition of something, not to a desirable outcome.

It is crucial to appreciate how operant conditioning functions in general in order to comprehend how positive punishment examples function.

When a person learns from their actions and behaviors depending on the results that follow them, this is known as operant conditioning. This idea was first put forth by B.F. Skinner in 1938, and his primary testing subjects were animals. He watched how animals responded to various stimuli in particular circumstances and how it affected their subsequent behaviors and actions.

The Advantages of Positive Punishment

Positive punishment instills in a person the idea that certain behavior is unacceptable since it has resulted in the addition of something unpleasant.

The application of positive punishment can assist in reducing undesirable behavior. The aim is to develop new behaviors that will help people prosper and better adapt to their settings.

Giving your students positive punishment can help them learn how to behave. Yet, teachers must discipline kids as soon as undesirable behavior occurs. If you wait too long, your children could not associate the penalty with undesirable behavior, which will prevent it from working. Your students can misbehave as a result if they don't understand why they are receiving discipline.

The advantages of positive punishment are as follows:

  • The behavior is quickly stopped.
  • It is incredibly effective and can stop bad conduct in its tracks.
  • It works when done consistently.
  • If you consistently discipline your kids for speaking back, they will learn never to do it again.
  • It tells them what to avoid doing in the future.


Positive punishment is a useful strategy that instructors can use to keep the classroom in order. It is a means of preventing indiscipline and maintaining control in the classroom. Positive punishment examples have a place, even when other tactics might be more useful.

In the end, it is usually simpler to avoid poor behavior than it is to correct it after it has occurred. At, we're committed to making improvements to our portfolio of classroom management tools that support educators in doing just that.






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