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Billoué & BILLOUÉ
Professeur très sympa et cours très amusant pour ça on est toujours là déjà 6 mois . Merci
7 years 12/20/2023

225 reviews
Daniela 🇸🇰
  • English ,
  • Slovak (native) ,
  • Czech ,
  • Spanish
Student's age: 3+ years
JESSICA & Mattia
Devo dire che Yolanda è un vulcano di emozioni! Mi diverto molto a seguire le lezioni con lei e Mattia, è super simpatica, oltre che molto competente e precisa!
5 years 12/19/2023

1,351 reviews
Yolanda 🇳🇮
  • English ,
  • Spanish (native)
Student's age: 3+ years
Sara & Samuele
Samuele ha fatto molto in autonomia e si è divertito molto
7 years 12/16/2023

51 reviews
Alketa 🇦🇱
  • English ,
  • Italian ,
  • Albanian (native)
Student's age: 3+ years
Тетяна & Саша
Пробний урок у нас був більше двох місяців тому, оцінка зараз актуальна?
10 years 12/13/2023

71 reviews
Liubov 🇺🇦
  • Ukrainian (native) ,
  • English
Student's age: 3+ years
Malwina & Michalina
Pan Emerson jest bardzo dobrym, sympatycznym i cierpliwym nauczycielem :)
7 years 12/10/2023

65 reviews
Emerson 🇵🇱
  • English (native) ,
  • Portuguese ,
  • Spanish ,
  • Polish
Student's age: 3+ years
Anja Weissgerber & Lara
Lara loves it, thank you so much for great lessons!
7 years 12/10/2023

163 reviews
Natalia 🇬🇧
  • English (native) ,
  • Greek
Student's age: 4+ years
Марія Кошутська & Solomiia
We are grateful to our teacher for her patience because teaching such an energetic student is quite a challenge)
5 years 12/7/2023

431 reviews
Vitalina 🇺🇦
  • English ,
  • Ukrainian (native) ,
  • Russian (native) ,
  • German
Student's age: 3+ years
Carolina & Cloe
9 years 12/4/2023

117 reviews
Heidi 🇲🇽
  • English ,
  • Spanish (native)
Student's age: 3+ years
Mihaela & Maria
este un pic cam mult pentru un copil de 4 ani si care abia incepe sa cunoasca tehnologia sa dea click-uri
4 years 11/29/2023

42 reviews
Tamara 🇲🇩
  • English ,
  • French ,
  • Romanian (native)
Student's age: 3+ years
Miriam & Celia
Muchas gracias , Celia se ha sentido muy cómoda y con ganas de aprender.
5 years 11/24/2023

503 reviews
  • English ,
  • Spanish (native)
Student's age: 3+ years
Михаэль & Лиам
Эмма - приятная девушка, внимательная, сразу нашла подход к ребенку, профессиональный учитель, доходчиво и интересно объясняет материал на английском, повторяя при необходимости. был очень интересный урок. Хотели бы продолжить заниматься с Эммой
7 years 11/24/2023

200 reviews
Emma 🇦🇲
  • English ,
  • Armenian (native) ,
  • Russian
Student's age: 3+ years
Iria & Claudia
Emese is very kind and makes the class very amusing. She is a great teacher.
6 years 11/23/2023

164 reviews
Emese 🇵🇾
  • Hungarian (native) ,
  • English ,
  • Turkish ,
  • Spanish
Student's age: 3+ years
Наталя & Єва
Урок пройшов чудово! Я багато чого дізналася та навчилася сьогодні за цей проведений урок з вчителем Олеся.
11 years 11/22/2023

79 reviews
Olesia 🇺🇦
  • English ,
  • Polish ,
  • Ukrainian (native)
Student's age: 6+ years
Adi & Golan
אשמח לקבל פרטי הרשמה ועלויות. מבקשים להמשיך ללמוד עם נינה
11 years 11/20/2023

508 reviews
  • English ,
  • Serbian (native) ,
  • French ,
  • Spanish ,
  • Don't speak Russain
Student's age: 6+ years
Нина & Илья
Очень нравиться, что учительница просит отвечать полными предложениями. Так тримати!
10 years 11/18/2023

82 reviews
Veronika 🇺🇦
  • English ,
  • Ukrainian (native)
Student's age: 5+ years

Parent's average satisfaction - 93%

Get interesting additional courses according to the child's interests

  • Lego
  • Drawing
  • Princesses
  • Minecraft
  • Roblox
  • Animals
  • Traveling
  • Toys

Studying at All Right you will also get

Speaking clubs

Group classes with peers contribute to the development of conversational skills.

Educational mobile game

Funny and friendly fox Charlie evaluates progress and monitors the dynamics of learning process.
Parents ask frequently

Free trial lesson

What do I need to sign up for a free lesson?

👉 A trial lesson is to get acquainted with the teacher and determine the level of knowledge via live communication and interesting tasks. It is also an opportunity to get acquainted with our interactive platform 😉

Based on the results of the lesson, the teacher will select the appropriate course and give his recommendations. The duration of the trial lesson is 25 minutes. ⏲

To register, go to the website of the All Right English school, click the “Try for free” button, answer the questions about your goals and the child's level, and the system will select the most suitable teacher for you.

Don't forget to prepare for the trial lesson 😉

Should parents be present at the lesson?

We strongly rcommend parents to attend the trial lesson. You will be able to help the child navigate the technical settings of the site. You can also make your own impression of the Classroom, the curriculum, and the teacher's teaching methods.

👉We do not advise you to answer for the child or to translate. At regular lessons, the child will already be able to use the site's tools and will be able to complete the lessons independently without your support.

What if the child doesn't like the teacher?

We are convinced that the contact between the student and the teacher is especially important for young students. All our teachers have experience working with children from 3 years old and English teacher certificates according to CEFR standards.
We conduct quality control of classes and regular additional training for teachers. If, despite all this, the child doesn't like the teacher, we will suggest another teacher completely free of charge, taking into account your preferences.

Can I have a trial lesson from my phone?

The trial lesson takes place in the Classroom. The child draws, reads, watches videos and pictures, and observes the teacher's facial expressions and gestures. Using the small screen of a phone, the lesson quality is compromised, so we strongly recommend using a tablet or computer. For the tablet, please download our All Right application.

Does the teacher speak my child's native language?

Our teachers are selected based on their knowledge of teaching methods for children with different levels of language proficiency. Knowledge of the child’s native language is not necessary.

👉 The training program is developed using modern Communicative methodology, which means that the emphasis is on speaking. Complete physical immersion in the language environment helps to achieve better results, in contrast to outdated methods of translation into the native language. The technical equipment of the Classroom also helps to find a common language between the teacher and the student, for example, access to an automatic translator in the chat or sticker-gifs which demonstrate what exactly the student needs to do.

How is the lesson conducted?

Lessons take place in an interactive classroom on the school website or in the All Right app. It is equipped with various tools that make it "live", clickable and interesting for the student. During the lesson, the child performs more than 30 types of interactive exercises: playing memory games, coloring pictures, connecting objects with lines, listening and singing songs, etc. All completed materials and homework assignments are also stored there.

How to choose a teacher?

After answering the questionnaire, we will automatically select a teacher that is most suitable for your child in terms of the level, learning goals, temperament and interests. But you can also choose your teacher on the site.


Organization of the learning process

What is the class schedule?

In our school, you can create a schedule that is convenient for you. Choose available slots in the teacher's schedule and get your child's English improved. For best results, we recommend studying at least twice a week.

What does lesson schedule or open booking mean?

You can create a permanent lesson schedule yourself. It will be automatically renewed after each payment. If the permanent schedule option does not suit you, you are free to book one lesson at a time at any time available.

Are there homework assignments and in what format?

After each lesson, students are given the opportunity to take a new practice to consolidate their knowledge. Students repeat all covered material in the form of interactive exercises. The exercises are divided by skill, which means that the student will have the opportunity to practice learned words and grammatical structures, practice reading, writing and even speaking. The practice includes the ability to record voices and practice pronunciation.

How many lessons per week do we need for better results?

We recommend studying at least 2 times a week. The optimal frequency of classes is 3 times a week. That way you will get a noticeable stable result. This is due to the fact that with long pauses between classes, the child forgets what was done in the last lesson and the teacher will spend a lot of time repeating the already studied material.


General questions

What's included in the package?

All Right provides comprehensive training services. The package includes individual lessons with a teacher, group classes in Speaking Clubs, access to a mobile game, mobile application, homework, support 365 days per year.

What duration of an individual lesson is suitable for my child: 25 or 55 minutes?

We recommend 25 minute lessons for children under 8 years old and 55 minutes for children aged 9 and over.

What if the online format of classes is not suitable for my child?

At All Right School, the lessons are one-on-one with the teacher, so all attention is paid only to your child. The teacher can control the student's involvement, and suggest the tasks that your child needs right now.
In addition, the online format provides more opportunities:
the child not only communicates with the teacher, but also performs interesting interactive tasks. In one lesson, the child changes 10-15 types of activity, so they don't have time to get bored or tired.

I don't think it's possible to learn the correct pronunciation online

Correct English pronunciation consists of 4 important elements: correct articulation, stress, intonation and coherence of speech.
Our teachers pay attention to all 4 components. The online format of classes does not affect the quality of pronunciation. Our experienced teachers monitor by video how the student pronounces the sounds and can correct the child in time. The best way to learn the correct pronunciation is by studying with teachers from the USA or England.

What are Speaking Clubs?

Speaking clubs are group online sessions with a teacher. The club can have up to 8 participants of similar age and English proficiency levels. The topics of speaking clubs are constantly expanding. The range of themes will satisfy any interests, from gaming clubs like Minecraft and Roblox to everyday topics such as a trip to the store or breakfast preparation.

Why do you need All Right mobile game?

All students of our school get free access to an interactive game in the All Right mobile app. The child learns and repeats words and phrases after the game character Charlie-the-Fox, which helps with training pronunciation and replenishing vocabulary. Taking a few minutes a day to play with Charlie will keep your child interested in language learning.


Teachers and program

Are the teachers qualified?

Before joining our team, teachers go through a rigorous competitive selection process. Our school employs professionals who love their job.

Each teacher has a diploma from a pedagogical/linguistic university, as well as the experience of working with children. In the teachers' profiles, you can watch video introductions and read real reviews from students.

What is CEFR?

CEFR - The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This is a generally recognized system in Europe for assessing the level of foreign language proficiency. CEFR points out three levels of proficiency: elementary (corresponds to the letter A), self-sufficient (corresponds to the letter B) and fluent (corresponds to letter C), with each of the levels divided into two categories with a corresponding number. In total, the lowest level of proficiency, the basic level, corresponds to the grade A1, and the highest, the level of proficiency to fluency, corresponds to C2.

What is a course?

A course at All Right consists of 72 lessons. This is the average number of lessons that a child usually needs to complete a level (Starter / Mover / Flyer - in accordance with the Cambridge system) + a some time for repetition and consolidation of material and the inclusion of additional lessons based on holidays' topics or to strengthen necessary skills (for example, reading). More details about courses https://allright.com/levels

What does thematic courses mean, for example English on the game Roblox, Minecraft and others?

Our courses can be divided into 2 categories: general courses and thematic courses of interest. The program of thematic courses provides for the use of heroes, pictures, videos, gamification of one topic, for example Roblox, Minecraft and others.



How to pay for the lessons?

Lessons can be paid for on the website or in the application using Visa, Mastercard, and other cards, or with Google Pay, Apple Pay wallets. There is also the option to purchase lessons in installments or using alternative payment methods such as PayPal, Bank Transfers.

👉 After making the payment, lessons are automatically credited to the balance.

Can the school store and use the card details of the clients?

Your payment data cannot be transferred to third parties or used to make payments without your knowledge, as they are protected by international payment systems.
If the student chooses the “Subscription” service, the function of monthly automatic debiting of funds from the card is activated. All Right does not take part in the collection and processing of payment data, you provide them directly to the payment systems through which you make a payment on the allright.com website. The All Right School only receives a notification from the respective payment service provider whether the payment was completed successfully. Details of the use of user data can be viewed on the site www.allright.com. you can find out by reading our privacy policy.

What does "Auto-renewal" mean?

The term "Auto-renewal" is used for packages in the Subscription category and means that funds will be debited from your card automatically within the time limits specified on the website. For example, “Auto-renew every month” means that funds will be debited after 1 month. "Auto-renewal" will work until you disable your subscription on the site.

What does payment in installments mean?

You have the option to pay in installments for large packages. For France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Czech the function is available using the KLARNA service, for Poland and Romania - PAYU, for Ukraine - MonoBank, PrivatBank and others.

If the child does not like it or we buy too many lessons, will it be possible to get a refund?

All Right has a 28-day money-back guarantee. Within 28 days after payment is made, you can apply for a refund for unused lessons.
Refunds are made within 10 business banking days. We recommend that you read the Refund Policy, which describes in detail all the obligations of the All Right school. If you decide to receive a refund for unused lessons, please contact our Support using the contact details provided on the website.

How many Speaking Club lessons will we get?

For students of the school, Speaking Clubs are included in the package with individual lessons. The number of lessons in the Speaking Club cannot exceed the number of individual lessons in the purchased package. Enrollment in a Speaking Club is possible if there is at least 1 booked lesson on the balance or within 7 days from the date of the last paid lesson.

Can I get a check for paid lessons?

Certainly. Contact Support and we will generate a check for you with your full data and the amount paid


Bonuses and promotions

What is lesson expiration and bonus balance?

If your subscription period has ended, and unbooked lessons remain on your balance, the cost of unused lessons will be transferred to the Bonus balance. The amount on the bonus balance can be used when paying for the next lessons, but not more than 25% of the amount of the next payment.

Are there any bonuses and promotions for new and regular students?

“Invite a friend” - for each invited friend who bought a package of lessons, we will we will accrue a bonus in the amount of 50 USD.
“Good attendance” - for regular students we give bonuses for good attendance. Bonuses are automatically credited at the beginning of the next month if you have 16 or more individual lessons with a teacher this month.
"Family discount" - for those cases when several relatives are involved at once, we offer to take advantage of special conditions for 2 or more family members.

👉 Subscribe to our social networks and become a participant in promotions, competitions and sweepstakes.

Can I combine several promotions?

If you have several promo codes, you can use only one.
If you have a promotional code, you can combine it with the amount in the Bonus account.
If you have a promo code, then if you pay within 24 hours after the trial lesson, you will receive a bonus for Fast Payment only.


Scholarship for education

How does the grant work?

The grant is a discount on tuition of up to 40%. The more lessons you buy, the more benefit you get. You can use the grant for tuition right after the trial lesson or within 48 hours after completing the free course.

What is the 'Reading Course'?

The Reading Course is an online course consisting of 5 recorded video lessons with the top teacher of the school. It will help your child learn to read in English and understand the most difficult sounds. The lessons can be watched at your convenience.

What does the library of useful materials consist of?

We have created an exciting English workbook that will turn language learning into a real adventure! It includes various interactive tasks, exciting games, and even interesting video lessons for self-study. Every day we offer a new interesting topic and related materials that you can easily complete with your child. For little fans of Roblox and Minecraft, we have prepared special learning cards and printouts that will make learning even more fun.

What is speaking practice with native speakers in the FUNtastic English Club?

FUNtastic English Club is a closed Facebook group for those who have received the grant. Every week we add lessons with school teachers, choosing interesting topics for children. Topics may vary depending on children's preferences. In the lessons, children communicate, play games, and improve their speaking skills. We also publish additional tasks for self-study and language practice in the group.

Can I use the grant for several children?

Yes, it is possible. In this case, you need to contact the school administrator for detailed consultation. They will answer all your questions and help you use the grant.

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