Maja Z.

Maja Z. english tutor for children

625 reviews

Professional Teaches adults, TOEFL, Teach kids, teacher with 5 years of experience teaching English


Super teacher

The teacher has conducted over 5000 lessons at All Right

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All teachers undergo a 3-stage interviewing and examination. The information about the teacher's education, experience and professional qualities is checked by the administration. Please contact us for detailed information about the teacher, including his education and teaching certificates.


  • 2010 2016

    Faculty of Philology

    Spanish language

    Master degree

Working experience

  • 2015 present

    English Teacher

  • 2020 present

    Public School

    English teacher

Certificates and diplomas

  • 2017

    120 hour TEFL certification - TEFL Professional Development Institute

    Certificate confirmed
  • 2020

    120 hour TESOL - International Open Academy

    Certificate confirmed
Teacher video cover
My name is Maja. I’m a teacher of English and Spanish Language, so teaching foreign languages is my passion. I have been a teacher for 6 years and have taught in different schools. I was born in a family of educators who instilled in me a love of learning and teaching. My favorite things to do when I am not working are hanging out with friends, walking, reading, and traveling. Also, I think that learning is most effective when there is a lot of fun, so I use a lot of props and effects on special programs on a computer. I hope you will allow me the privilege of taking your children on the wonderful journey of learning! I hope to see you in my class soon!
  • Working experience 5 years
  • Learn from 3 years
  • Lesson from $8.5
  • Speak: english, spanish, serbian native
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