Karolina C.

Karolina C. english tutor for children

734 reviews

Professional TOEFL, IELTS, Teach kids, Teaches adults, Cambridge Exam B1 - PET for Schools, Cambridge Exam A2 - KET for Schools, Teaches teens, Matura(PL) teacher with 5 years of experience teaching English


Experienced teacher

The teacher has conducted over 1000 lessons at All Right

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All teachers undergo a 3-stage interviewing and examination. The information about the teacher's education, experience and professional qualities is checked by the administration. Please contact us for detailed information about the teacher, including his education and teaching certificates.


  • 2008 2011

    Pomeranian Higher School of Humanities of Gdynia, Poland


    Bachelor of Arts in English Philology

  • 2009 2010

    Pomeranian Higher School of Humanities of Gdynia, Poland

    Qualification and Methodological Course in the Scope of English Language

  • 2012 2014

    University of Limerick, Ireland

    Master of Arts in English Language Teaching

Working experience

  • 2011 2017



  • 2014 2015

    Tralee International Resource Centre, Ireland

    English Language Teacher

  • 2015 2017

    EGA International

    English Language Teacher

  • 2015 2015

    Sunhill English College, Cork

    English Language Teacher

  • 2023 Present

    All Right

    English Language Teacher

Certificates and diplomas

  • 2014

    Master of Arts in English Language Teaching - University of Limerick

    Certificate confirmed
Teacher video cover
Hello! I’m Karolina, and I hold a BA in English Philology, a TEFL certification, and an MA in English Language Teaching from the University of Limerick in Ireland. English has been a significant part of my life, and from a young age, I knew I wanted to pursue it professionally. In my teaching, I prioritize dialogue and the communicative aspects of the language. I believe that effective language learning should feel effortless and enjoyable. To achieve this, I love incorporating songs, clever rhymes, engaging discussions, and games into my lessons to spark interest and make learning more dynamic for my students.
  • Working experience 5 years
  • Learn from 3 to 18 years
  • Lesson from $6.5
  • Speak: english, polish native
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