Natali Z.

Natali Z. english tutor for children

37 reviews

Professional Teach kids, Teaches adults, External Independent Evaluation teacher with 7 years of experience teaching English

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All teachers undergo a 3-stage interviewing and examination. The information about the teacher's education, experience and professional qualities is checked by the administration. Please contact us for detailed information about the teacher, including his education and teaching certificates.


  • 1998 2003

    Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University

    Pedagogy and methods of secondary education. Language and literature (English).

    A specialist

Working experience

  • 2020 2023

    A state Lyceum

    A teacher of English

Certificates and diplomas

  • 2003

    BH №22368212 - Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University

Teacher video cover
Hello, I am teacher Natali! I am an English teacher with 7 years of teaching experience. I am a specialist in foreign literature and foreign language. I was teaching at the technical college and another state lyceum for 4 years. Also, my work was as a guide of arts in Vinnytsia Regional Art Museum. I was travelling a lot and visited a lot of interesting places, also I was living abroad. I have been teaching children aged from 8 to 16. I am a a cheerful, responsible and dedicated person. It will be interesting to communicate, so join my classes to speak English together! Sincerely, teacher Natali.
  • Working experience 7 years
  • Learn from 8 to 16 years
  • Lesson from $6.5
  • Speak: ukrainian native, english, russian
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