Recenzii despre All Right: ce spun părinții
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Evaluări ale părinților care folosesc platforma All Right
Reviews about our teachers
A fost o lectie foarte interactiva, Matei s-a simtit foarte bine la ora cu doamna Anca. Multumim
Thank you ❣🙏, teacher May! You do an excellent job with every lesson and Ami loves you so much💔 !
My daughter is very enthusiastic about her teacher. It is a great cooperation. Marija is helping her focus very much, has patience and is stimulating her to explore. Very happy with this cooperation
My son enjoys lessons with Ms. Dorina so much. She is having a really great approach to kids and her patience is admirable. I would recommend her to everyone!
Doamna Anca este minunata! Cu toate ca pentru cel mic a fost prima experienta de genul acesta si tinand cont ca era morocanos, dupa somn, a reusit cu brio sa ii capteze atentia! O recomandam din suflet, cu multa incredere! Nivelul lectiei a fost adaptat varstei.