Andrea F.

Andrea F. – profesor de engleză pentru copii

40 reviews

Profesor specializat de Predă copiilor cu 2 ani de experiență în predarea limbii engleze.

Recenziile studenților

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Toți profesorii trec printr-un interviu și o testare realizată în 3 etape. Informațiile despre educația profesorului, experiența și calitățile profesionale sunt verificate de către administrație. Vă rugăm să ne contactați pentru informații detaliate despre profesor, inclusiv certificatele sale de educație și predare.


  • 2022 – 2022

    Anahuac University

    Multimedia Design

Experiența de muncă

  • 2021 – 2023

    Learnex & Reef Hotels

    English teacher

  • 2023 – 2023

    Camp Tannadoonah


Certificate și diplome

  • 2021

    TEFL Certificate - International TEFL Academy

    Certificat confirmat
Teacher video cover
Hi! I am Andrea, born in Mexico city, currently living in Playa del Carmen. My main passion is art, illustration, traveling and of course kids and English. I like engaging my students into learning English, since it's a tool that has opened up unlimited opportunities for myself to explore the world, meet fantastic people and express myself. I have studied English since a very young age in a bilingual school and have been very lucky to practice it the US, working with kids as an au pair. My host kids were from the age of 1 to 12 years old. Once I returned to Mexico, started teaching English to the staff of the Reef Hotels of the Riviera Maya as part of their training, it was a fun and fulfilling experience to help adults improve themselves in their areas of work with the language. I also taught English online to adults on Learnex and had the opportunity to lead conversation clubs while teaching to multiple students.
  • Experiența de muncă 2 years
  • Learn de la 3 la 14 years
  • Lecţie din 0,5 USD
  • Speak: engleză, spaniolă nativ
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