Glenderose U.

Glenderose U. – profesor de engleză pentru copii

32 reviews

Profesor specializat de Predă copiilor, Cambridge Exam Pre A1 - YLE Starters, Cambridge Exam A1 - YLE Movers, Cambridge Exam A2 - YLE Flyers, Cambridge Exam A2 - KET for Schools, Cambridge Exam B2 - FCE for Schools cu 4 ani de experiență în predarea limbii engleze.

Recenziile studenților

Din păcate, încă nu există recenzii

Toți profesorii trec printr-un interviu și o testare realizată în 3 etape. Informațiile despre educația profesorului, experiența și calitățile profesionale sunt verificate de către administrație. Vă rugăm să ne contactați pentru informații detaliate despre profesor, inclusiv certificatele sale de educație și predare.


  • 2016 – 2020




Experiența de muncă

  • 2020 – 2022


    English Teacher

  • 2022 – 2024


    English Teacher

Certificate și diplome

  • 2020

    Licensed Professional Teacher - Professional Regulation Commission

  • 2022

    TEFL - Teacher Record-

Teacher video cover
Hello, kids! 👋 I'm Teacher Glende, and I come all the way from the beautiful Philippines! 🇵🇭🌴 I'm super excited to be your English teacher! 📚 Teaching English is my absolute favorite thing to do, and I'm here to help you become super-duper confident and fluent English speakers. 🗣️✨ I'm not just your regular teacher; I'm a friendly, outgoing, and fun-loving person. 😄 One of my hobbies is chatting with different people from all around the world, and I promise to always be respectful and kind when we talk. 🌍💬 Guess what? I love teaching kids like you, but I'm also really good at teaching grown-ups. 🧒👩‍🦳 So whether you're a little explorer or a grown-up adventurer, I've got your back! I've got a special degree in Bachelor of Elementary Education, and I'm even a licensed professional teacher. 🎓💼 Plus, I'm working super hard to get my Master's degree, which makes me kind of a super teacher, don't you think? 😉✏️ I've been teaching English for five whole years, and I'm certified in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). 📝 But you know what the best part is? Learning a language should be super fun and exciting! 🎉🌟 So get ready for some amazing lessons with me! 🚀 Book a lesson with me and let's have a blast and learn together! 🌈✨ See you soon, my awesome little language learners! 👋🌟😃
  • Experiența de muncă 4 years
  • Learn de la 3 la 14 years
  • Lecţie din 0,5 USD
  • Speak: engleză, tagalog nativ
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